Efficient Autogenous Mill

2016-12-27   XinHai    Views (2440)
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Commissioned by a gold mine customers in  the United States, Shandong Xinhai assumed the mineral  processing of the mine. The mine is located in the northern Utah, the process  scale is 3500 t/d. the gold mine is  hosted in the pyrometasomatic carbonate rocks and has symbiosis with pyrite,  marcasite, barite, and organics. The gold is not only exist in sulfide zone, but  also exists in the oxidation zone. In sulfide ore, gold ore is wrapped in  pyrite, marcasite and organics in fine-grain disseminated, the free gold has symbiosis  with quartz and calcite. In the oxidized ore, the gold is exist in natural  state completely. The disseminated grain-size of natural gold is 10~1μm more than  half is less than 5 μm.

Autogenous  ore grinding, large capacity; Hollow shaft discharge with high discharging efficiency. The grinding process is two stages a closed circuit, the first stage  is adopted semi-autogenously mill, when the ore  and water are fed into the  from the end of the hollow  shaft, and then discharge from the other end of the hollow shaft. The cylinder is  rotating in specified speed,  the steel balls, steel bar and ore rises to a certain height along with the  cylinder under the effect of centrifugal force and friction force, and they throw  down and slide down from the cylinder wall;  they rising to the same height with the cylinder again, then fall again, the  whole process is repeated periodically, make the ore grinded by impact and  grinding effect. Crushed ore is formed the pulp (wet grinding) with water, discharge  from the hollow shaft of discharge-end, finish grinding process, and then pass  into the screen, the material that not meet the particle size is returned to the  semi-autogenous mill, and standard material can be returned to the semi-autogenous  mill or piling up.

The  grinding ratio is large, greatly reduces the overgrinding, and improves the grinding  efficiency. The grinding ratio is very large, which  is finished grinding through the crushed material itself as the medium, simplify  the crushing and grinding process greatly. The ore crushing is finished by the  impact when free-falling, the grinding between ore fines and the ore instantaneous  stress suddenly from pressure state into full tension, avoiding overgrinding  phenomenon. Xinhai efficient autogenous mill can achieve two and three stage  crushing, part or full grinding of ball mill and  rod mill, which is suitable to the coarse  grinding after coarse crushing process. Finally in the actual production, Xinhai  efficient autogenous mill improved the production efficiency and controlled the  grinding cost, the customer is satisfied with the result.