The raw ore CaF2 content of this project was 66.10%, and the main gangue minerals were quartz, calcite, dolomite, etc. Xinhai Mining Technology & Equipment Inc. provided EPC project services to this project.
Flotation process was mainly applied to the recovery of this fluorite ore. With raw ore grinding fineness of about 65% of -200 mesh, and adopting one-roughing, two-scavenging and multi-concentrating, the CaF2 grade of fluorite concentrate reached 98%~99%, and the recovery rate was around 90%.
Xinhai provided the completely mineral processing EPC service. At present, the company's main products are dry and wet high potassium feldspar powder, finishing super grade of potassium feldspar ore concentrate.... [more]
According to the characteristics of graphite ore of Carat in Vietnam, and on the basis of experimental research, Xinhai provided the 800t/d mineral processing plant design service. ... [more]