Entrusted by the owner in QInghai, Shandong Xinhai Mining Technology & Equipment Inc. carried out mineral processing test and study on the gold-antimony ore.
With Au content of 7.5g/t, as content of 0.86% and Sb content of 0.34%, the ore was belong to refractory ore. Based on the ore characterizes, and compared flotation process and cyaniding process, Xinhai recommended flotation process which was adaptive to the ore.
The stibnite in ore could be easily over grinded, which resulted in difficult activation and worse floatability, so it should be recovered as early as possible during the coarse grinding of ore. Process of stage grinding and stage separation was applicable. Process of stage one grinding with 60% fineness of -200 meshes for rougher flotation and stage two grinding with 78% fineness of -200 meshes was for rougher tailings was recommended.
1,200t/d gold ore mineral processing plant in Cambodia was completely contracted by Xinhai. ... [more]
More than 10 million of gold tailings were stored in the tailing pond in North Korea. The average gold grade of the tailings was 1g/t, and the recoverable valuable element was gold. ... [more]